Cole-Parmer EW-70792-53 ORP Chemical Feed System, One Pump, 4.3 GPH, 50 psi, 230VCole-Parmer Chemical Feed System, ORP Controller with One Pump, 4.3 GPH (16.2 LPH), 50 PSI (3.4 bar), 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer EW-70792-33 pH Chemical Feed System, Two Pumps, 4.3 GPH, 50 psi, 230VCole-Parmer Chemical Feed System, pH Controller with One Pump, 4.3 GPH (16.2 LPH), 50 PSI (3.4 bar), 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer EW-70792-43 ORP Chemical Feed System, One Pump, 4.3 GPH, 50 psi, 115VCole-Parmer Chemical Feed System, ORP Controller with One Pump, 4.3 GPH (16.2 LPH), 50 PSI (3.4 bar), 115 VAC, 50/60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer? 專為濃酸和堿流量計/累加器,35 GPM,PVDF管材料,230伏特,50赫茲的測量,流量測量Pump, Motorized Drum Pump Package, Designed for Concentrated Acids and Alkalies Measurement with flowmeter/totalizer, 35 GPM, PVDF tube material, 230 Volts, 50 Hz, with Flow Measurement |
Cole-Parmer? 電動油桶泵專為濃酸和堿類測量,35 GPM,PVDF管材料,230伏特,50赫茲,流量測量Pump, Motorized Drum Pump Package, Designed for Concentrated Acids and Alkalies Measurement, 35 GPM, PVDF tube material, 230 Volts, 50 Hz, with Flow Measurement |
Cole-Parmer? 電動油桶泵 專為濃酸,堿,35 GPM,的PVDF管材料,115伏特,60赫茲,流量測量Pump, Motorized Drum Pump Package, Designed for Concentrated Acids and Alkalies, 35 GPM, PVDF tube material, 115 Volts, 60 Hz, with Flow Measurement |
Cole-Parmer? 電動油桶泵 專為濃酸和堿流量計/累加器,35 GPM,PVDF管材料,115伏特,60赫茲,流量測量Pump, Motorized Drum Pump Package, Designed for Concentrated Acids and Alkalies with flowmeter/totalizer, 35 GPM, PVDF tube material, 115 Volts, 60 Hz, with Flow Measurement |
Cole-Parmer? EW-79203-50 旋轉葉片泵,11.3 CFM免費的空氣容量,4×10 -4托,3/4匹,115伏,60赫茲Cole-Parmer? Rotary Vane Pump, 11.3 CFM Free Air Capacity, 4x10<-4>Torr, 3/4 HP, 115 VAC, 60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer? 8925C-02旋片泵,9.3 CFM免費的空氣容量,4×10 -4托,3/4匹,230伏,50赫茲Cole-Parmer? Rotary Vane Pump, 9.3 CFM Free Air Capacity, 4x10<-4>Torr, 3/4 HP, 230 VAC, 50 Hz |
Cole-Parmer EW-70792-31 pH Chemical Feed System, Two Pumps, 0.6 GPH, 150 psi, 230VCole-Parmer Chemical Feed System, pH Controller with Two Pumps, each pump capable of 0.6 GPH (2.2 LPH), 150 PSI (10.3 bar), 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer EW-70792-61 ORP Chemical Feed System, Two Pump, 0.6 GPH, 150 psi, 115VCole-Parmer Chemical Feed System, ORP Controller with Two Pumps, each pump capable of 0.6 GPH (2.2 LPH), 150 PSI (10.3 bar), 115 VAC, 50/60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer EW-70792-51 ORP Chemical Feed System, One Pump, 0.6 GPH, 150 psi, 230VCole-Parmer Chemical Feed System, ORP Controller with Two Pumps, each pump capable of 0.6 GPH (2.2 LPH), 150 PSI (10.3 bar), 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer EW-70792-01 pH Chemical Feed System, One Pump, 0.6 GPH, 150 psi, 115VCole-Parmer EW-70792-01 pH Chemical Feed System, One Pump, 0.6 GPH, 150 psi, 115V |
Cole-Parmer? EW-70792-32 化工進料系統,pH控制器與兩臺泵,2.0 GPH(LPH 7.5),105 PSI(7.2巴),230 VAC,50/60赫茲Cole-Parmer Chemical Feed System, pH Controller with two Pump, 2.0 GPH (7.5 LPH), 105 PSI (7.2 bar), 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer? EW-70792-22 化工進料系統,pH控制器與l兩臺水泵,2.0 GPH(7.5 LPH),105 PSI(7.2巴),115伏交流,50/60赫茲Cole-Parmer Chemical Feed System, pH Controller with two Pump, 2.0 GPH (7.5 LPH), 105 PSI (7.2 bar), 115 VAC, 50/60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer EW-70792-12 pH Chemical Feed System, One Pump, 2.0 GPH, 105 psi, 230VCole-Parmer EW-70792-12 pH Chemical Feed System, One Pump, 2.0 GPH, 105 psi, 230V |
Cole-Parmer EW-70792-22 pH Chemical Feed System, Two Pumps, 2.0 GPH, 105 psi, 115VCole-Parmer EW-70792-22 pH Chemical Feed System, Two Pumps, 2.0 GPH, 105 psi, 115V |
Cole-Parmer? A3V26-SND標準蠕動計量泵,最大流量為2.1 GPH,125 PSI,Norprene管,220Volt 50赫茲CEPump, Cole-Parmer Standard Peristaltic Metering Pump, Max flow of 2.1 GPH, 125 PSI, Norprene Tubing, 220Volt 50 Hz CE |
Cole-Parmer? A3V26 SNH標準蠕動計量泵,最大流量為17.4 GPH,125 PSI,Norprene管,220伏50赫茲CEPump, Cole-Parmer Standard Peristaltic Metering Pump, Max flow of 17.4 GPH, 125 PSI, Norprene Tubing, 220 Volt 50 Hz CE |
Cole-Parmer? A3V24-SNK豪華蠕動計量泵,最大流量為33.3 GPH,125 PSI,Norprene管,115伏60赫茲Pump, Cole-Parmer Deluxe Peristaltic Metering Pump, Max flow of 33.3 GPH, 125 PSI, Norprene Tubing, 115 Volt 60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer? A3V26-SNK標準蠕動計量泵,最大流量為33.3 GPH,125 PSI,Norprene管,220伏50赫茲CEPump, Cole-Parmer Standard Peristaltic Metering Pump, Max flow of 33.3 GPH, 125 PSI, Norprene Tubing, 220 Volt 50 Hz CE |
Cole-Parmer DO-74200-18標準蠕動計量泵,最大流量為25.3 GPH,125 PSI,Norprene管,115伏60赫茲Pump, Cole-Parmer Standard Peristaltic Metering Pump, Max flow of 25.3 GPH, 125 PSI, Norprene Tubing, 115 Volt 60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer? A3V26-SNKL標準的低壓長壽命蠕動計量泵,最大流量為33.3 GPH,30 PSI,Norprene管,220伏50赫茲CEPump, Cole-Parmer Standard Low-Pressure-Long-LIfe Peristaltic Metering Pump, Max flow of 33.3 GPH, 30 PSI, Norprene Tubing, 220 Volt 50 Hz CE |
Cole-Parmer? 低壓長壽命蠕動計量泵,最大流量33.3 GPH 30 PSI,Norprene管,115伏60赫茲Pump, Cole-Parmer Standard Low-Pressure-Long-LIfe Peristaltic Metering Pump, Max flow of 33.3 GPH, 30 PSI, Norprene Tubing, 115 Volt 60 Hz |
Cole-Parmer DO-74200-16標準蠕動計量泵,最大流量為17.4 GPH,125 PSI,Norprene管,115伏60赫茲Pump, Cole-Parmer Standard Peristaltic Metering Pump, Max flow of 17.4 GPH, 125 PSI, Norprene Tubing, 115 Volt 60 Hz |