Thermo Scientific 30705-012101 HYPERSIL APS-2(氨基)掉落在保護柱 - 長度10MM,2.1mm內徑,粒徑5μm的;包:4個Thermo Scientific Hypersil APS-2 (Amino) Drop-In Guard Cartridge - Length 10mm, 2.1mm ID, 5μm particle size; Pack of 4 |
Thermo Scientific 30305-013001 HYPERSIL MOS-2(C8)掉落在保護柱 - 長度10MM,3.0mm內徑,粒徑5μm的;包:4個Thermo Scientific Hypersil ODS-2 (C8) Drop-In Guard Cartridge - Length 10mm, 4.0mm / 4.6mm ID, 3μm particle size; Pack of 4 |
Troemner 9698 20kg 質量20KG 10-1/4“直徑校準砝碼Metric slotted weights, with statement of accuracy, Mass 20KG 10-1/4"dia |
Thermo Scientific Nunclon ? 140685 6孔蓋,PS,無菌(MultiDish,85)Thermo Scientific Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon? 6-well MultiDish with lid, PS, sterile (case of 85) |
Thermo Scientific 140685 Nunclon ? 6孔蓋,PS,無菌(MultiDish的情況下,85/包)Thermo Scientific Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon? 6-well MultiDish with lid, PS, sterile (case of 85) |
驃馬JB500-D大功率電動攪拌機驃馬JB500-D大功率電動攪拌機 |
Thermo Scientific Nunclon ? 167008 96孔微孔板蓋,扁孔的形狀,1/sleeveThermo Scientific Nunclon? 96-well MicroWell plate with lid, flat well shape, 1/sleeve |
Thermo Scientific Nunc? 475094 96孔板,免疫學,PS,標準,PolySorpThermo Scientific Nunc? 96-Well Microplates, Immunology, PS, Standard, PolySorp |
Thermo Scientific Nunc? 475094 96孔板,免疫學,PS,標準,PolySorpThermo Scientific Nunc? 96-Well Microplates, Immunology, PS, Standard, PolySorp |
Thermo 167008 Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon ? 96孔微孔板蓋,扁孔的形狀,1/sleeveThermo Scientific Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon? 96-well MicroWell plate with lid, flat well shape, 1/sleeve |
Cole-Parmer 100-956-103 一品脫小型超聲波清洗機 |
WYL-2 臺式應力儀WYL-2臺式應力儀 |
FA1004B 分析天平FA1004B分析天平 外校 100g/0.0001g |
必能信 B200 超聲波清洗機必能信 B200超聲波清洗機 1L 50W |
北師大UV-B紫外輻照計(雙通道) |
北師大UV-A紫外輻照計(雙通道) |
Troemner 7014-UCGW 500g 重量校準砝碼的質量500克UltraClass Mass with Weight Calibration Certificate, 500 g |
彼愛姆XTZ-D雙目連續變倍體視顯微鏡7倍-90倍立體顯微鏡彼愛姆XTZ-D雙目連續變倍體視顯微鏡7倍-90倍立體顯微鏡 |
Cole-Parmer 95-0493-02 8瓦的紫外線燈 |
Cole-Parmer 95-0493-01 8瓦的紫外線燈 |
Cole-Parmer 4552 W/9998 篩與NIST可溯源校準報告 |
Cole-Parmer 6515 W/9998 篩與NIST可溯源校準報告 |
Cole-Parmer 6349 W/9998 篩與NIST可溯源校準報告 |
FA1204B 分析天平FA1204B分析天平 外校 120g/0.0001g |
Thermo Scientific Nunclon ? 150628 12-以及MultiDish的蓋子,PS,無菌Thermo Scientific Nunclon? 12-well MultiDish with lid, PS, sterile |