3S CL-1000-120 總有機碳分析儀CL-1000-120總有機碳分析儀 |
Thermo Scientific 00 mm寬x 350毫米高度光圈 金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 700 mm width x 350 mm height aperture |
Thermo Scientific650 mm寬x 350毫米 高度光圈 金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 650 mm width x 350 mm height aperture |
MINOLTA 分光測色儀CM-3600d |
智能 計算機控制動態測控毛細流變儀計算機控制動態測控毛細流變儀 |
Thermo Scientific 600 x 350 mm 金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 600 mm width x 350 mm height aperture |
Thermo Scientifc Heraeus Multifuge X3 F R 120V 196/144列,75377271Thermo Scientifc Heraeus Multifuge X3 F R 120V Clinical 196/144 |
Thermo Scientifc Heraeus Multifuge X3 F 120V 冷藏,擺放28/56支培養管,75373839Thermo Scientifc Heraeus Multifuge X3 F Refrigerated 120V Tissue Culture Bundle 28/56 |
Thermo Scientifc Heraeus Multifuge X3 R120V 碳纖維8X50束,75160063Thermo Scientifc Heraeus Multifuge X3 R 120V Carbon Fiber 8x50 Bundle |
Thermo Scientifc Heraeus Multifuge X3 冷藏120V碳纖維6x250束,75160062Thermo Scientifc Heraeus Multifuge X3 Refrigerated 120V Carbon Fiber 6x250 Bundle |
TBS SC3500 低溫恒溫器(切片機)TBS SHUR/Cut? 3500 Semi-automatic retracting microtome, 100-120VAC, 50/60Hz, 77W |
Thermo Scientific 362-0052 流變儀系統 |
德國christ RVC 2-25 CD 真空離心濃縮儀德國christ RVC 2-25 CD plus 真空離心濃縮儀 轉子1.5ml*108(可多選) 轉速1500rpm |
Thermo Scientific 550 x 350 mm 金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 550 mm width x 350 mm height aperture |
Thermo Scientific 700 x 300 mm金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 700 mm width x 300 mm height aperture |
Thermo Scientific 500 x 350 mm金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 500 mm width x 350 mm height aperture |
Thermo Scientific 650 x 300 mm金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 650 mm width x 300 mm height aperture |
Thermo Scientific 450 x 350 mm金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 450 mm width x 350 mm height aperture |
AnaeroLAB BIOLABPRO智能厭氧工作系統AnaeroLAB BIOLABPRO智能厭氧工作系統 |
Thermo Scientific 600 x 300 mm金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 600 mm width x 300 mm height aperture |
Thermo Scientific 600 x 300 mm金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 600 mm width x 300 mm height aperture |
奧林巴斯 IX71-A12FL/PH 熒光倒置顯微鏡IX71-A12FL/PH熒光倒置顯微鏡 三目 100-400X |
Thermo Scientific 400 x 350 mm金屬探測器Thermo Scientific APEX 100 Metal Detector, with 400 mm width x 350 mm height aperture |
埃蘭 Elab-TOC/WT 總有機碳分析儀Elab-TOC/WT總有機碳分析儀 |
19JPC-V 萬能工具顯微鏡(影像型)19JPC-V萬能工具顯微鏡(影像型) |