International Products MICRO-90 Concentrated Cleaning Solution, International Products M-9033濃縮清潔劑,用于清洗玻璃器皿,濾膜,實驗室設備,電子,五金配件等表面。安全、清潔、環保,無氟氯化碳;尺寸:18.9升 |
松源 DPQ-1800手推車型電動噴霧器 藥桶容積: 20L松源 DPQ-1800手推車型電動噴霧器 藥桶容積: 20L |
BONDERITE C-AK 4215NC 25KGPreviously called TURCO 4215 NC-LT 25KG BONDERITE C-AK 4215NC 25KG is ideal for cleaning fuel and hydraulic components and for cleaning metals prior to metal bonding. |
alconox清潔手工或超聲波清洗,50磅/盒Alconox cleaner for manual or ultrasonic cleaning, 50 lb box |
科爾缸/漏斗刷,16 1 / 2“,叢生,12 / PKCole-Parmer Cylinder/funnel Brush, 16 1/2",tufted, 12/pk |
LPS CFC FREE CLEANER 18.93LT M31025LPS CFC Free Electro Contact Cleaner CFC Free Electro Contact Cleaner is a fast penetrating, fast evaporating non-residue cleaner alternative to CFCs. It does not contain CFCs, 1,1,1 or HCFCs. |
saint-gobain圣戈班 D1069324 實驗臺保護墊 |
天津津騰 JTFA0211 全不銹鋼316L三聯過濾器天津津騰 JTFA0211 全不銹鋼316L三聯過濾器 |
TEXWIPE無菌的TechniSat?預濕消毒擦拭濕巾,480/packTexwipe Sterile TechniSat? prewetted sterile wipe, 480/pack |
PTT-SRSWB SR WIPES 250 PACKPack of 250 Wipes containing PFSR Sealant remover degreasing solvent. |
AMBERSIL AMBERKLENE FE10 25LT DRUMAMBERKLENE FE10 is a fast evaporating solvent blend which contains no CFCs or other chlorinated solvents. |
AMBERSIL AMBERKLENE LO30 25L裝本產品為不含三氯乙烷致癌物料之高效除油清洗劑,有效清洗于電子零件及各相關電器產品上。能快速有效分解清除頑固污垢,如碳化物、硫化物、氧化物、酸堿物、水濕、油垢、油墨、膠漬、積聚污物、碳氫化合物等。 |
Aerospace TRIBOLUBE-16進口油脂 1LB/罐適用于大小型的球、直徑輥、軸承、電觸點、閥門、齒輪螺旋轉動裝置、于大多數彈性體、塑料密封墊圈和O型環兼容。Aerospace TRIBOLUBE-16也可用于玻璃行業。 |
德圖testo 416分體式測量儀 |
International Products Zymit Lwfoam Enzyme CLNR12LCS1 Z-9701-12清潔工具International Products Zymit Lwfoam Enzyme CLNR12LCS1 Z-9701-12 |
Terg-A-Zyme清潔劑去除蛋白質,4磅盒,9盒/箱Terg-A-Zyme cleaner for protein removal, 4 lb box, case of 9 boxes |
天津津騰 全不銹鋼316L六聯支架不銹鋼天津津騰 全不銹鋼316L六聯支架不銹鋼 |
BONDERITE C-MC 5884清洗劑(20升包裝)Turco 5884是一種濃縮液體清洗劑,有效的去除壓縮機葉片,地面航空發動機導向葉片和轉子油、鹽和固體殘留物。定期清理這些組件是必要的,避免不必的功率損耗, |
saint-gobain圣戈班 D9860004 實驗臺保護墊 |
聯華全木中央實驗臺2400×1500×800聯華全木中央實驗臺2400×1500×800 |
聯華鋼木中央實驗臺2400×1500×800聯華鋼木中央實驗臺2400×1500×800 |
ELDORADO ES6 DRY CLEANING SOLVENT 5USG AMS3160ELDORADO ES-6 is an aliphatic petroleum solvent with low toxicity characteristics for use as a cleaning solvent for greasy parts or parts coated with preservatives. |
ITW-Chemtronics Wipe Poly/cell Cr 4x4in Pk1200 6704ITW-Chemtronics Wipe Poly/cell Cr 4x4in Pk1200 6704 |
B&B TC100 TURBINE CLEANER 5USGSolvent designed to clean turbine gas-paths. |