搜索:thermo, 總共找到1189個商品
Thermo Scientific愛普羅多參數分析儀/pH模塊Thermo Scientific AquaPro Multiparameter Analyzer/with pH Module |
Thermo Scientific愛普羅多參數分析儀/ ORP模塊Thermo Scientific AquaPro Multiparameter Analyzer/with ORP Module |
Thermo Scientific愛普羅多參數分析儀/ 極譜法DO模塊Thermo Scientific AquaPro Multiparameter Analyzer/ with Polarographic DO Module |
Thermo Scientific愛普羅多參數分析儀/ /環形電導率模塊Thermo Scientific AquaPro Multiparameter Analyzer/ with Toroidal Conductivity Module |
Thermo Scientific愛普羅多參數分析儀/ /導電模塊Thermo Scientific AquaPro Multiparameter Analyzer/ with Conductivity Module |
Thermo Scientific 2001-1CEQ LED顯示屏加熱器底座 |
Thermo Scientific 2001Q LED顯示屏加熱器底座 |
Thermo Scientific 100°C W /鉗數字浸入式循環 |
Thermo Scientific 120伏60赫茲 振蕩器 |
Thermo Scientific 240伏50赫茲實驗室肩 |
Thermo Scientific 120 VAC 滴度板振動篩 |
Thermo Scientific 240 VAC滴度板振動篩 |
Thermo Scientific FB200Q 電泳電源Thermo Scientific Electrophoresis Power Supply 200v 120v |
Thermo Scientific 2054-1CEQ 多勃洛克模擬干缸體加熱器 |
Thermo Scientific 2054Q 多勃洛克模擬干缸體加熱器 |
Thermo Scientific 115 V 微孔板振蕩器Thermo Scientific Monoshake, with power supply, 115 V US |
ThermoProbe TP7-C溫度計ThermoProbe TP7-C溫度計,線纜長度是75英尺,約22.86米。 |
ThermoProbe TP7C-110-EW-SM 測溫TP7C線軸型110英尺的額外加權探頭ThermoProbe TP7C Spool-type 110ft Extra Weighted Probe |
Thermo Scientific S4S 核酸測序系統 |
Thermo ScientificNunc 圓柱形儲罐,PP,100加侖。Thermo Scientific Nunc Cylindrical Closed-Dome Tank, PP, 100 Gal. |
Thermo Scientific 9“×9”的平臺 熱科學實驗室肩 |
Thermo Scientific 240伏50赫茲實驗室肩 |
ThermoProbe TP9石油測量溫度計ThermoProbe TP9石油測量溫度計,線纜長度是75英尺,約22.86米。 |
Thermo Scientific 滾瓶機 88881004滾瓶機,可調速,數字顯示,可疊放,耐受CO2, 1-80rpm;100-240,50/60Hz |
ThermoProbe TP7C-050-SW-SM 測溫TP7C線軸型50FT標準探頭ThermoProbe TP7C Spool-type 50ft Std Probe |