Decomposition Temperature
Thermal Decomposition
Conditions to Avoid
Material can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures.
211 °C, 411.8 °F
Acids. Oxidizing agents.
Will not occur.
Smoke, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, aldehydes and otha' products of incomplete combustion. Hydrogen sulfide and
alkyl merc^tans and sulfides may also be released. Under combustion conditions, oxides of the foUowii^ elements will be
formed: phosphorus, suUiir, zinc.
Exposui'e to sunlit.
11 Toxicological Information
Eye Initation
Skin Initation
Respiratoiy Irritation
Dennal Toxicity
Inhalation Toxicity
Oral Toxicity
Dennal Sensitization
Inhalation Sensitization
Chronic Toxicity
Reproductive Toxicity
Severe eye initant. Risk of irreversible damage to eyes. Based on data from similar materials.
Skin irritant. Based on data from components or similar materials. Prolonged or repeated skin contact as from clothii^ wet
with material may cause dermatitis. Symptoms may include redness, edema, dryir^ and cracking of the skin.
If material is misted or if vapors are generated from heating, exposure may cause irritation of mucous membranes and the
uppei' respiratory tract. Based on data from components or similar materials.
The LD50 in rabbits is > 2000 mg/Kg. Based on data fixim components or similar materials.
No data available to indicate product or components may be a toxic inhalation hazard.
The LD50 in rats is 2000 - 5000 mgfKg. Based on data from components or similar' materials.
Not expected to cause skin sensitization. Based on data fixim components or similar materials.
No data available to indicate product or components may be respiratory sensitizers.
No data available to indicate product or components present at greater than 1% are chronic health hazards.
This product contains mineral oUs which are considered to be severely refined and not considaed to be carcinogenic under
lARC. All of tlie oils in this product have been demonsfrated to contain less than 3% extractables by the IP 346 test.
No data available to indicate product or any components present at greata than 0.1 % are mutagenic or genotoxic.
No data available to indicate either product or components present at gieata than 0.1% that may cause reproductive
No data available to indicate product or any components contained at greater than 0.1% may cause bulh defects.
No other health hazards known.
12 Ecological Information
Freshwater Fish Toxicity
Freshwater Invertebrates Toxicity
Algal Inhibition
Saltwater Fish Toxicity
Saltwater Invertebrates Toxicity
Bacteria Toxicity
Miscellaneous Toxicity
The acute LC50 is 1 - 10 mgfL based on similar materials.
The acute EC50 is 10 - 100 mg/L based on similar materials. Chronic effects expected at 1 - 10 m ^ based on similar
The acute EC50 is 10 - 100 mg/L based on similar materials.
The acute LC50 is 100 -1000 mg/L based on actual data.
Not detennined.
The acute EC50 is > 1000 ppm based on similar materials.
Not determined.
Soil Mobility
This product shows limited biodegradation based on OECD 301-type test data for similar products.
This material displays no potential to bioconcentrate.
Not detennined.
13 Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal
This material, if discarded, is not a hazardous waste under RCRA Regulation 40 CFR 261. Treatment, storage,
ttansportation, and disposal must be in accordance with appticable Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations.
14 Transport Infoimation
Not regulated.
UN3082 Environmentally hazardous substance, hquid, n.o.s. (Zinc alkyldithiophosphate), 9, in, Marine Pollutant (Zinc
UN3082 Enviionmentally hazardous substance, Hquid, n.o.s. (Zinc alkyldithiophosphate), 9, in, Marine Pollutant (Zinc