LGR’s Greenhouse Gas Analyzer is the world’s
most advanced instrument for simultaneous
measurements of methane, carbon dioxide and
water vapor. Quite simply, no other analyzer
provides higher performance.
The GGA is simple to use, low power and rugged
which makes it ideal for field and air quality
studies. The ability to measure all gases quickly
makes the GGA an excellent choice for eddy
covariance and chamber flux measurements. In
addition, analysis of the measured absorption
spectra allows the instrument to accurately
correct for water vapor dilution and absorption
line broadening effects and thus to report CH4
and CO2 on a dry mole fraction basis directly
without drying or post processing. Furthermore,
LGR’s new “Extended Range” option provides
accurate methane measurements at levels up to
10% mole fraction (without dilution) without
reducing precision and sensitivity at typical
ambient levels - a unique capability to LGR.