Technical Datasheet
Product Performance Note: The following technical information and data should be considered representative (continued) or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.
F. Metal to Honeycomb Beam Flexure Strength (lb) – 3M Test Method C-250 Cure Cycle: 250°F, 60 minutes, 30 psi, 5°F/min. Primer for Skins: 3M. Scotch-Weld. Structural Adhesive Primer EC-3924B Metal Skins: 2024 T-3 Bare .063" thick aluminum – Chromic Acid Anodized Core: 1/4" cell – 1/2" thick – 4 mil foil – 5052 Alloy – non perforated Adhesive: 3M. Scotch-Weld. Structural Adhesive Film AF 163-2M (.045 lb/ft2)
Environmental Exposure 75°F Flexural Strength (lb)
1. Control (No Exposure) 2850
2. 30 day immersion in Type III Hydrocarbon 2800
3. 30 day 5% Salt Spray 2800
4. *Cyclic Exposure – 45 Cycles 2900
G. Metal to Honeycomb Flatwise Tensile Strength – 3M Test Method C-251 conditions as per (F.) above
Environmental Exposure 75°F Flatwise Tensile Strength (psi)
1. Control (No Exposure) 935
2. Cyclic Exposure: 15 Cycles* 45 Cycles* 865 870
*Each Cycle: 16 hours at 125°F and 95-100% RH followed by 8 hours at -67°F.
IV. Typical Performance after Open Time at 90°F and 75% RH Cure Cycle: 250°F, 60 minutes, 30 psig, 5°F/min. rise rate Primer: 3M. Scotch-Weld. Structural Adhesive Primer EC-3924B Metal Skin Prep: Chromic Acid Anodize Core: 1/4" cell – 1/2" thick – 4 mil foil – 5052 Alloy – non-perforated Exposure Method: Adhesive applied to Primed Skin with liners removed and
exposed open face
A. 75°F Overlap Shear on 7075-T6 Clad .063" Thick – 3M Test Method C-244
Exposure Time Scotch-Weld AF 163-2M Film (.045 lb/ft2)
0 6300 psi
7 days 6400 psi
15 days 6500 psi
B. Floating Roller (Bell) Peel on 7075 T-6 Clad .025" to .063" aluminum – 3M Test Method C-260
Exposure Time Scotch-Weld AF 163-2M Film (.045 lb/ft2)
-67°F Test 75°F Test 160°F Test
0 57 piw 55 piw 46 piw
7 days 55 piw 61 piw 50 piw
15 days 59 piw 55 piw 44 piw