A, AR847 temperature hygrometer products introduction
The product is a multi-functional professional type temperature hygrometer, external K type thermocouple measurement of high temperature of 1000 DEG C, separating temperature and humidity probe measurement is more convenient and practical.
In two, AR847 temperature and humidity meter technical indicators
★測溫范圍:-10℃~50℃ -20℃~1000℃(K-type)
In the temperature range: - 10 to 50 DEG C - 20 to 1000 DEG C ( K-type )
Of humidity measurement range: 5%RH-98%RH
Of C / F: temperature unit conversion.
★溫度測量誤差:±1℃ ±2℃or±3%(K-type)
The temperature measurement error of plus or minus 1 DEG C + / - 2 DEG C: or + 3% ( K-type )
★濕度測量誤差:±3%(30-95%) ±5%(10-30%)
Of humidity measurement error: + 3% ( 30-95% ) + 5% ( 10-30% )
Automatic / manual shutdown function:.
Low power display function: *.
In the backlight display selection:.
Of data maintaining function:.
★Measuring K型熱電偶測試功能:√
Measuring K type thermocouple test function:.
Temperature resolution: 0.1 C.
Humidity resolution: 0.1%RH.
The sampling frequency of: 2.5times / sec
Of maximum and minimum temperatures: measuring function.
Of power: 9V alkaline batteries
LCD size: 48.3 * 44mm